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Journal of Clinical Oncology recognizes that readers do not always have time to review an article in depth, and yet they still wish to understand how the results will influence their clinical practice or research. To address this need, we offer podcasts that will enhance the readership experience by presenting the key results of high-profile publications in a convenient audio format. Our podcasts are designed to place selected articles into a clinically useful perspective that is easy to listen to in the office or while on the road.

Life is busy, and it’s hard to get it all done during business hours! Journal of Clinical Oncology recognizes that you do not always have time to review an article in depth, and yet you wish to understand how the results will influence your clinical practice or research. JCO After Hours is a podcast intended to enhance the readership experience by presenting key results of high-profile publications in a convenient audio format, placing selected articles into a clinically useful perspective that you can listen to in the office or on the road.

Feb 28, 2017

This podcast discusses the JCO article, "Late Relapse of classical Hodgkin Lymphoma: An Analysis of the German Hodgkin Study Group HD7-HD12 Trials" by Paul Jan Bröckelmann, et al. which demonstrates that late relapses are seen in a small fraction of early stage good risk Hodgkin lymphoma patients, which increase...

Feb 13, 2017

Dr. Wiestner highlights characteristics of ibrutinib resistant CLL as reported by Woyach and colleagues and discusses how these data refine the management of CLL in the area of targeted therapy and can stratify patients for future clinical trials.